Credit card fraud offenses in New Jersey encompass a variety of conduct, from using a card that is not your own, to making counterfeit cards, to lying on a credit card application. In all cases, credit card fraud is an indictable offense (equivalent to a felony in most jurisdictions) that carries severe penalties including possible jail time.
If you are charged with credit card fraud, a New Jersey credit card fraud lawyer can help protect your rights throughout the criminal process. Consult a capable defense attorney that can work tirelessly to build a solid case for you.
What Constitutes Credit Card Fraud?N.J. Stat. § 2C:21-6 defines the various types of conduct that may constitute credit card fraud. They include:
Due to the breadth of conduct that may constitute credit card fraud, charges are sometimes brought based on conduct that many would consider innocuous, such as accidentally using a business card to purchase personal items.
Credit Card Fraud Crimes are IndictableAll forms of credit card fraud under § 2C:21-6 are indictable crimes.
Fourth-Degree CrimesMost credit card fraud offenses are fourth-degree crimes, which may result in the following penalties:
Thankfully, pre-trial intervention (PTI) is available for most fourth-degree crimes, including credit card fraud. PTI allows a person to serve a period of probation prior to a guilty verdict being entered. Upon successful completion of probation, charges are dismissed without a conviction resulting.
A New Jersey credit card fraud lawyer can help someone charged with credit card fraud obtain a PTI disposition if eligible, and avoid costly fines, imprisonment, and the long-term effects of a conviction record.
Third-Degree CrimesMore serious credit card fraud offenses are classified as third-degree crimes. These include forgery of a card, knowing acceptance of a forged, expired or revoked card as payment, and using a stolen card. Conviction for a third-degree crime may result in A prison term of three to five years and/or a fine of up to $15,000.
Speaking With a New Jersey Credit Card Fraud AttorneyFacing these serious penalties without the aid of a New Jersey credit card fraud lawyer can be daunting. Although the possible penalties may be panic-inducing, an attorney can help by working to reduce the charges brought against you and protecting your rights.