
Edison Criminal Lawyer

If you live in the township of Edison, New Jersey and you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, you need the legal representation of an Edison criminal lawyer. Choosing to work with an Edison criminal defense attorney can be significantly beneficial to those facing criminal charges. Regardless if you were arrested for an indictable offense or a disorderly persons offense, you want to hire a defense lawyer that knows the local criminal justice system.

John B. Fabriele has years of experience defending clients from Edison and can help guide you through this legal challenge. He’s familiar with local law enforcement and how Edison prosecutors typically operate. For more information about how an Edison criminal lawyer can help you, call the law firm of John B. Fabriele today at (732) 246-0888 to schedule a free case evaluation.

Edison Criminal Defense for Various Offenses

Edison criminal lawyer John B. Fabriele has a vast and extensive criminal law background. His years of experience in criminal defense allow him to represent clients who have been charged with any crime, such as:

  • Assault
  • Domestic Violence
  • Drug Crimes
  • Gun Crimes
  • Sex Crimes
  • Theft
  • Traffic tickets

We understand that navigating the criminal justice system can be complicated and confusing. When you work with a criminal defense attorney with decades of experience defending a wide range of criminal offenses, you’re paving the best path towards success. Remember that penalties for crimes committed in Edison NJ can be harsh and completely destroy a person’s future. Remember that you have options. Contact Edison criminal lawyer John B. Fabriele to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Edison Criminal Defense

We’ve created this list of frequently asked questions and answers that involve Edison criminal laws, penalties, procedures, and criminal defense to help clients learn more about the criminal justice system. This information can help you feel more confident moving forward with your case. To learn more about your specific charges and how an Edison criminal lawyer can help, contact our law office today.

What do criminal defense lawyers do?

If you’re looking to hire an Edison criminal lawyer, it’s important to understand what they do. You want to look for some key characteristics to make sure you’re working with the right attorney. The job of a criminal defense lawyer is to defend you, keep you out of jail, and make sure you’re facing the lowest level of punishment. An Edison criminal lawyer should have an extensive background in criminal law and experience defending your specific charges. A good criminal defense lawyer will thoroughly investigate your case, interview witnesses, negotiate on your behalf, and help you navigate the criminal justice system. John B. Fabriele has been defending residents of Edison NJ for years and can help guide you through this challenge. Contact the law office of John B. Fabriele today to discuss your case.

Should I plead ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ to criminal charges?

When you make your first appearance in front of a judge, it is not advised to plead guilty without speaking with a lawyer first. Many defendants will feel overwhelmed by their charges, especially if this is their first offense, and plead guilty because they feel like the odds are stacked against them. This is a common mistake that defendants make when they don’t work with an Edison criminal lawyer.

Remember that an Edison criminal defense attorney can investigate your case, identify errors made by law enforcement, spot issues with witness testimonies, and examine the evidence on your behalf. Your case needs to be explored from a criminal defense attorney’s perspective, not just the prosecutor’s point of view. Before you plead ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ after an arrest, contact an Edison criminal lawyer for assistance.

What should I do if I’ve been charged with an indictable offense?

Contact an Edison criminal lawyer John B. Fabriele immediately. Indictable offenses are seen as some of the most serious crimes in the state of New Jersey. You run the risk of facing time in prison as well as exorbitant fines, which is why it’s imperative to call a criminal defense attorney right away if you’ve been arrested for an indictable offense. Indictable offenses are classified in different levels or degrees according to the severity of the crime. Below are the penalties for each of the four degrees of indictable offenses:

  • A fourth-degree indictable offense can lead to 18-months in prison and fines up to $10,000.
  • A third-degree indictable offense can lead to 3-5 years in prison and fines up to $15,000.
  • A second-degree indictable offense can lead to 5-10 years in prison and fines up to $150,000.
  • A first-degree indictable offense can lead to 10-20 years in prison, or life in prison, and fines up to $200,000.

What is a disorderly persons offense?

Examples of disorderly persons offenses are lower-level drug crimes, harassment, shoplifting, and simple assault. These are considered less serious than indictable offenses, but are still significant crimes in Edison NJ. Disorderly persons offenses are comparable to misdemeanors in other states. If you’ve been charged with a disorderly persons offense, you can face up to $1000 in fines and up to 6 months in jail. To avoid jail time and expensive fines, it’s important to work with an Edison criminal lawyer.

Will pending criminal charges show up on background checks?

It is possible that pending criminal charges can show up on background checks. If you’ve been arrested and processed (photos were taken and you were finger-printed) in Edison NJ, you’re likely facing a criminal record that an employer can find. It’s common for clients to be concerned about how an arrest can affect their personal life, their relationships, and their careers. This is why it’s crucial to hire an Edison criminal lawyer to defend you. A criminal defense attorney can help lessen your charges, dismiss your case, or even get a criminal conviction expunged.

If you’re worried about how a criminal conviction can affect your future, contact the law office of John B. Fabriele today to understand your options.

Edison Criminal Criminal Lawyer John B. Fabriele, III

The Law Office of Edison Criminal Lawyer John B. Fabriele, III is open daily to take your case. It is essential that you contact an attorney sooner so we can start working on your case. To achieve the best results, you need an experienced attorney that knows the area. We are experienced attorneys defending citizens with criminal offenses in New Jersey Middlesex County and surrounding areas. Contact Middlesex County Criminal Defense Lawyer John B. Fabriele, III today to get your questions answered and start your defense.

Edison Criminal Defense Lawyer Office

Edison Criminal Lawyer

Criminal Defense Attorney John B. Fabriele, III

197 NJ-18 #203n
East Brunswick , NJ

Phone: (732) 246-0888

Hours of Operation

Monday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM