Compliance with Monmouth County Medical Marijuana Laws

New Jersey’s new medical marijuana laws bring much-needed comfort and stability for people who are suffering from chronic medical conditions. However, even with these new options, people need to be aware of the strict legal rules that control how and where they can use this drug.

New Jersey strictly regulates who can obtain the drug, where they can obtain it, how much they can use, and where they can use it. These individual regulations combine to create a complex web of laws that people are obligated to follow.

Remaining in compliance with Monmouth County’s medical marijuana laws is essential, not just to continue getting the care that you need but also to stay out of legal trouble. An experienced medical marijuana attorney could help you better understand New Jersey’s laws concerning medical marijuana.

Basis for the State’s Medical Marijuana Program

The legal use of marijuana for medical purposes in New Jersey began in 2012. This was the culmination of the groundwork created by the Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act (CUMMA).

This law was written to provide relief in the form of cannabis-related therapy to people who suffer from chronic medical conditions. These medical conditions include but are not limited to:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Anxiety
  • Migraines
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Certain terminal illnesses
Obtaining Permission to Use Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana can only be prescribed by a doctor. That doctor writes a prescription describing the condition necessitating that treatment and sends the patient to a state-run dispensary. Once at this dispensary, that patient registers with the dispensary and is given an ID card giving them legal permission to use the officially dispensed drug.

This card does not give people permission to use marijuana bought off the street, nor does it allow people to grow their own plants. It simply allows people to buy a maximum of two ounces of marijuana from the dispensary every month and gives them permission to use it in their homes. For more information about obtaining medical marijuana in compliance with Monmouth County medical marijuana laws, consult with a seasoned criminal defense lawyer.

What to do if Confronted by the Police

Always remember that non-medical marijuana is still illegal under New Jersey state and United States federal laws. If the police see a person carrying marijuana in public or using the drug anywhere that is not their home, they have the right to investigate the incident. For this reason, people using medical marijuana should always carry their dispensary-provided ID card with them, as well as another form of state ID such as a driver’s license.

In addition, medical marijuana users should never take their marijuana out of their homes except in an emergency or to bring the drug home from the dispensary. If confronted by law enforcement, be open with any police officer who investigates but be prepared to produce all necessary ID.

Compliance with Monmouth County Medical Marijuana Laws is Essential to Needed Care

Medical marijuana can give people who suffer from chronic medical conditions a new outlook on life. However, marijuana is still illegal under both New Jersey and federal laws, and while the state of New Jersey does recognize the use of marijuana for medical purposes, the federal government does not.

If you take the proper precautions and follow the rules in compliance with Monmouth County medical marijuana laws, there is no reason that you cannot enjoy the benefits of medical marijuana. That being said, those who break the rules should be aware that they might not only have their license to use marijuana revoked, but they could also face serious jail time if convicted of illegal marijuana possession.